why are we here?

the bts comfort lesbians are here to bring positivity and happiness to lesbians - there is a lot of lesbophobia floating around twitter at the moment, and everyone loves a little bit of positivity, right?

what do we do?

we provide advice, 1 to 1 chats, short motivational messages and general good vibes for lesbians across twitter! we can also answer your questions about lesbianism, if you should have any!

who are bts?

bts are a international boy group from south korea, they have many smash hits such as boy with luv, dope, idol and many more!
for lots of people, bts are a saving grace, and we ask that you respect them as artists and people.
with an online following of 22 million, it’s safe to say a lot of people love them! and we do too, that’s why we’re here!

why do we call bts lesbians?

we call bts lesbians in the same way that non-kpop stans call thor and hozier lesbians! it is a confirmation to ourselves that our kpop boys love and support us, and for that we have made them “honorary lesbians”, if you will.
some people have commented that calling asian men lesbians leads to feminising them, and whilst, yes, this is an issue - the word lesbian is not inherently feminine, and lesbians do not consider the men they call lesbians to be more feminine because of that!

what are he/him and they/them lesbians?

he/him lesbians are exactly what they say, lesbians who use he/him pronouns!
these people are not men, they do not identify as male, they simply feel more comfortable using masculine pronouns to express their gender identity!
please refrain from policing people’s gender identity via resources on this account, we support every gender identity here!
the same goes for they/them lesbians, except they don’t necessarily identify as a woman, non binary people can be lesbians, as i said, lesbian is not an inherently feminine word! a non-binary is lesbian is someone who is woman-aligned, and is attracted to women, and other woman-aligned people.

if you’re a lesbian, why do you love kpop boys?

you can be a lesbian, or a wlw and love kpop boys, there is no reason that loving someone is inherently sexual or romantic!
for some people, idols are the only people they can trust to cheer them up when they are sad! and for some, loving and idolising a kpop boy can help them with their comphet!
there is no reason that loving kpop boys makes you less of a lesbian!

what is comphet? & how can i recognise it?

comphet is compulsory heterosexuality, and it stems from the stigma that being a lesbian, or even liking women in general is just a phase, or that it is simply a fetish for people to enjoy.
comphet is the feeling that you have to date men, or male aligned people simply because that is what is widely accepted. comphet also encompasses the feeling that a lot of lesbians have where they identify as bisexual simply because they feel they have to in order to live safely.
for a lot of lesbians, comphet becomes part of them, even when someone comes out - it can be hard to shake these feelings, as you’ve been living with them for so long!
having comphet thoughts or feelings is completely valid, and doesn’t make you any less of a lesbian!